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programa similar al transparent dock

hola que tal amigos foreros, pues aqui con un problemilla por que he actualizado el sistema de mi maquina (tiger 10.4.10) en mi mac (12" 512ram 1.33 GHz PowerPC G4) y pues este programa (transparent dock) dejó de funcionar, es decir mi dock ya no es transparente 100% y mis iconos estan centrados, si alguien sabe como solucionarlo o utilizar un programa similar lo agradeceria

2 Respuestas


m[a]cman Puntos32850
Para volver el dock a la normalidad:
Reset Dock: - Reset the dock to its original state. Choose from 2 reset methods: • Reset current dock: reverse all changes made to the current dock • Reset from backup...: Replace the entire Dock package with a backup copy. You will be prompted to locate your backup copy of the "" application package, & the contents of the current "" in "/System/Library/CoreServices/" will be replaced with the contents of a copy of the backup, leaving the original backup in place. If the backup isn't available, check the "Resources" folder within the TransparentDock application package for a "Backup" folder... a backup of the original dock & the most recent dock are saved here before any changes are applied & before each new run, respectively. - Refresh: Refresh the settings of TransparentDock to match the current state of the dock (in the event that the settings are not updated after applying changes). Before any changes are made, the option will be presented to save a backup of "" (the entire package) to a folder called "DockBackup" in a directory of your choosing for safe keeping. Since by default the Dock application is owned by the system, applying any changes to the dock requires an administrator password. The password will not be stored by the application when not running, and will have to be reentered the next time the application is run.
Otro programa que conozco que hace lo mismo es el ClearDock, de todas maneras chequea en estos días en la web del TransparentDock, por una actualización. Saludos.


rikauro Puntos1840
muchas gracias macman ya estoy probando el otro programa y tambien voy a tratar de hacer lo que me indicas. saludos y reitero las gracias

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