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Problema con terminal

Bueno compre el juego de Spore para Mac OS X. Por que ya lo habia probado y me gusto mucho. El caso es que lo instale, Actualize. Y me apareció un problema contacte con los de EA Games y me dieron esta solucion via terminal:
Hi again, Thank you for contacting back to Electronic Arts. You may be getting this error if you have the MacOS Parental Controls feature active and set to deny access to some or all websites. You will need to add the Spore game and website so that you can download the license from the server. If that doesn't work, please try installing and running the game as a user with Administrator access. If you are still experiencing this error, please try the following steps below to retrieve the license from the server: Open a terminal, which can be found under Utilities, in the Apple Folder. At the $ prompt, please type cd /etc. Now, you need to open your hosts-file. You can do this by typing the command sudo nano hosts. You will be prompted for your password. Now, please move the cursor down to the line labeled and erase it like you would do in any text-file. Save the file modified file by pressing Ctrl+S, and leave nano with Ctrl+X. Close the terminal and go play Spore! If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know. Thank you, EARep Scarlett Player Relations Electronic Arts.
El problema es que cuando trato de salvar el archivo modificado, me aparece el siguiente mensaje:
xoff ignored mumble mumble
Y no puedo salvar el archivo. ¿Alguien me puede ayudar? Que gran decepcion. El juego esta muy bien. pero EA tenia que venir a cagarla con el sistema Anticopias SECUREROM :(

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