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Error después de cargar los certificados. [Solucionado]

Llevo solo 1 mes desarrollando una aplicación que tenía en VisualBasic. He creado el primero y lo quería probar el el iPad. He creado los certificados. Ejecuto el programa y me da un error SIGART en el main.m. Apunta a una dirección que creo que debe ser mi certificado, por que tiene el mismo numero de dígitos pero son diferentes. La dirección es: /Users/CLAUDIO/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications/....... (el código). Alguien me sabría decir que me ha pasado o que me ha faltado por hacer? Gracias.

15 Respuestas


Peter Puntos289170


¿como se baja ese certificado desde la página de desarrolladores? gracias.

Entras a la pagina de desarrolladores y lo creas. Una vez creado, te sale la opción de descarga. Creo que lo mejor es que entres a tu cuenta de desarrollador y veas las opciones que tienes ahí. Saludos.


CMOC59 Puntos2360
Hola: He entrado en Certificates y habían varios profiles, he pulsado descargar. He abierto la carpeta de descargas y he echo doble click. Se ha abierto la carpeta de llaves y me señalaba la que te he comentado antes. He ido a Devices y estaba activado el profile que yo quería. En App IDs ho hay seleccionado nada. En provisioning esta en azul la profile que quiero y esta activa. Al final viene distribución, que no he tocado. He recibido este mensaje de apple:
Your APS Development Certificate Has Been Revoked Dear Claudio Orts, You have revoked your APS Development Certificate and it is no longer valid. Please note that all Provisioning Profiles that included this certificate are now invalid and will require regeneration for future use. Best regards, Apple Developer Program Support
???? gracias.


markfree Puntos4510
Hola el tema es si ya compilaste la app con un certificado no sigas los pasos, siempre se tiene que compilar con el mismo certificado. mi consejo es que lo borres todo de tu llavero, todos los certificados y luego sigue estos pasos: Generating a Certificate Signing Request To request an iOS Development Certificate, you first need to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) utilizing the Keychain Access application in Mac OS X Leopard. The creation of a CSR will prompt Keychain Access to simultaneously generate your public and private key pair establishing your iOS Developer identity. Your private key is stored in the login Keychain by default and can be viewed in the Keychain Access application under the ‘Keys’ category. To generate a CSR: [*]In your Applications folder, open the Utilities folder and launch Keychain Access. [*]In the Preferences menu, set Online Certificate Status Protocol (OSCP) and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) to “Off”. image [*]Choose Keychain Access -> Certificate Assistant -> Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. Note: If you have a noncompliant private key highlighted in the Keychain during this process, the resulting Certificate Request will not be accepted by the Provisioning Portal. Confirm that you are selecting “Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority...” and not selecting “Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority with …” image [*]In the User Email Address field, enter your email address. Please ensure that the email address entered matches the information that was submitted when you registered as an iOS Developer. [*]In the Common Name field enter your name. Please ensure that the name entered matches the information that was submitted when you registered as an iOS Developer. [*]No CA (Certificate Authority) Email Address is required. The ‘Required’ message will be removed after completing the following step. [*]Select the ‘Saved to Disk’ radio button and if prompted, select ‘Let me specify key pair information’ and click ‘Continue’. image [*]If ‘Let me specify key pair’ was selected, specify a file name and click ‘Save’. In the following screen select ‘2048 bits’ for the Key Size and ‘RSA’ for the Algorithm. Click ‘Continue’. image [*]The Certificate Assistant will create a CSR file on your desktop. una vez echo esto: [*]After creating a CSR, log in to the iOS Provisioning Portal and navigate to ‘Certificates’ > ‘Development’ and click ‘Add Certificate’. [*]Click the ‘Choose file’ button, select your CSR and click ‘Submit’. If the Key Size was not set to 2048 bits during the CSR creation process, the Portal will reject the CSR. [*]Upon submission, Team Admins will be notified via email of the certificate request. [*]Once your CSR is approved or rejected by a Team Admin, you will be notified via email of the change in your certificate status. image Luego: Approving Certificate Signing Requests Team Agents and Team Admins have the authority and responsibility to approve or reject all iOS Development Certificate requests. In order to approve/reject Team Members’ requests, all Team Admins should first submit their own CSR for approval. [*]After submitting a CSR for approval, Team Admins will be directed to the ‘Development’ tab of the ‘Certificates’ section. Here, CSRs can be approved or rejected by clicking the corresponding action next to each request. [*]Once a CSR is approved or rejected, the requesting Team Member is notified via email of the change in their certificate status. Each iOS Development Certificate is available to both the Team Member who submitted the CSR for approval and to the Team Admin(s). image Downloading and Installing Development Certificates [*]In the ‘Certificates’ > ’Distribution’ section of the Portal, control-click the WWDR Intermediate Certificate link and select “Saved Linked File to Downloads” to initiate download of the certificate. [*]On your local machine, double-click the WWDR Intermediate certificate to launch Keychain Access and install. [*]Upon CSR approval, Team Members and Team Admins can download their certificates via the ‘Certificates’ section of the Provisioning Portal. Click ‘Download’ next to the certificate name to download your iOS Development Certificate to your local machine. [*]On your local machine, double-click the downloaded .cer file to launch Keychain Access and install your certificate. [*]Team Members can only download their own iOS Development Certificates. Team Admins have the authority to download the public certificates of all of their Team Members. Apple never receives the private key for a CSR. The private keys are not available to anyone except the original key pair creator and are stored in the system keychain of that Team Member. image image Yo he tenido estos problemas muchas veces y siempre ha funcionado, tienes que empezar de nuevo.


CMOC59 Puntos2360
Muchísimas gracias a los dos. He borrado las certificaciones, las llaves, los porfíes.... 14 veces. Pero al final he dado con una valida. Hay un detalle atener en cuenta y es que en el apartado: sumary-Entitlements, la opción Enable Entitlements debe estar desactivada. De no ser así da el error de que no corresponde el fichero con el profile creado. Y no sale ningún mensaje ni rojo ni amarillo, y eso mosquea un montón. Repito muchas gracias. Ahora mi próximo reto es conseguir enlazar las tablas que he creado con core data con las variables que utilizo en mi programa. Os agradecería que me indicaseis un foro donde se traten estas cuestiones. Gracias.


Peter Puntos289170
Que bueno que ya quedó ! Como te comentaba, las primeras veces siempre confunde el proceso, pero una vez realizado un par de veces todo empieza a funcionar :) Saludos.

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